Watch the replay of my talk : PR for Small Brands – adapted to the Corona situation

(Résumé en français tout en bas – For a french summary, please go to the very end of this post)

Edit : if you are interested but couldn’t attend, here is the replay ! It was recorded and posted by John Neilan from tuesday coworking. Thanks John !

How to approach journalists and influencers, tips from a PR expert


Hello, I’m giving a talk tomorrow (07 april) at 4pm Paris/Berlin time.

It is hosted by Tuesday Co-working and their cool program #morethanadesk !

morethanadesk PR Amandine Kirion Tuesday Coworking

C’est en anglais, with a french accent.

What it’s about

I believe that right now is a good time to prepare and nurture your brand and make it ready for reaching out later.

I think reaching out to influencers and journalists will have more impact once the crisis is over, especially if the service or product you provide is not of absolute necessity. However there are still many things you can do to prepare your brand before you communicate ! Taking care of your social networks, your blog, your website, your product…

It is actually an excellent opportunity, as usually when I meet brands who think they are ready to communicate right away, they are still a few months or weeks away from it, as some pre-work needs to happen !

It’s about coherence, fluidity, identity.

We will talk about what you can do right now, and how you can communicate afterwards. So basically, two main steps.

I will give some tips, advice, examples, and will try to answer as many questions as possible ! And mostly, I will try to make this simple and give you a feeling of empowerment so PR becomes super easy for you !

How to attend

Just click on this Zoom Link on tuesday 7th of april at 4PM, and enjoy !

I’m not a small brand : can I attend ?

The talk I am giving is really targetted at brands that do not have the means to hire an agency or a freelancer, and are thinking of doing PR themselves. I would not give the exact same advice to a bigger brand, or to a brand that is externalizing their PR. However, some advices are always true. You are welcome to attend whoever you are. Just remember this is targeted at small brands so only ask questions that would help them as well.

Oh, and this is free of charge.


If you want to know more about this #morethanadesk initiative, please check out this link.

Parlez-vous français

Sur ce site j’alterne textes en anglais et en français en fonction du public qui est censé me lire ! Demain, le 7 avril, à 16h, je donne une courte conférence sur les relations presses pour les petites marques. Ce sera seulement et uniquement en anglais ! Si vous le souhaitez, le lien pour y assister est ici : Vous n’avez qu’à vous connecter. Vous serez les bienvenus et pourrez poser des questions si vous le souhaitez. Je précise qu’il n’y aura aucune traduction de français etc…C’est vraiment un contexte purement anglo-saxon. Vous pouvez tout à fait y assister sans poser de questions si vous ne vous sentez pas tout à fait à l’aise mais que le sujet vous intéresse !

Cette série de conférences – je ne suis pas toute seule !- est organisée par Tuesday Coworking, qui est en fait mon (super) bureau (avec des plantes partout) à Berlin !

J’ai déjà fait un atelier en français sur le même sujet, à Berlin en présentiel, avec le réseau d’entrepreneuses Les Nouvelles Voix. Si vous êtes une entrepreneuse française à Berlin, renseignez-vous sur ce superbe réseau. J’y donnerais probablement un autre atelier cet année.


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