Portrait: Laetitia Bricout, family and maternity sophrologist

After evolving in marketing and following the birth of her first child, Laetitia has decided to live one of her dreams: to embark on a career in well-being

For her, sophrology is synonymous with creativity, and visualization is a way of telling a story.

A bit of madness brightens up life

His integrative approach to sophrology

Sophrology uses a set of techniques that act on both the body and the mind, with the aim of find the person who practices it a state of well-being and fullness.


Laetitia works on breathing, physical and mental relaxation thanks to very accessible and adapted exercises. Once this level of relaxation is reached, visualizations allow you to become fully aware of your potential and your resources to achieve your goal.


L’échange et la quiétude sont les maîtres mots de ses séances de sophrologie.

It also pays particular attention to familles et aux rôles de parents, ainsi qu’au rôle de mère et à son identité en tant que femme, through, among other things, specialized programs which respond to a real demand. 

Laetitia accompanied me throughout my pregnancy and together, we implemented different techniques to prepare me for a physiological birth. I particularly appreciated his gentleness, his attentiveness and his commitment. Thanks to her, I was able to step back from my fears related to childbirth and condition myself so that it happens as peacefully as possible. Thank you very much Laetitia, because the relaxation and visualization exercises helped me a lot during the hours of contractions! And I am proud to have had a birth as I envisioned!

Illustration by Laetitia Bricout representing Ilia Renon. “You’re doing enough.”

A practice rooted in parenthood

Bouleversée par sa maternité et les changements qu’elle a engendrés, Laetitia a à cœur d’aider les jeunes parents. Avec son diplôme de l’école française de sophrologie, elle a choisi de se spécialiser dans la périnatalité et la prise en charge de l’enfant. Elle propose d’ailleurs sur son site un e-book gratuit pour faire le point sur les réels besoins des parents lorsqu’ils accueillent un nouveau-né.

To go further, she created 2 very specific programs to help mothers on 2 occasions: during a cesarean section, and during the postpartum period.

Plan C

Plan C prepares women for cesarean section and helps them with postoperative recovery both physically and psychologically.

Having experienced an emergency cesarean section herself, Laetitia wanted to offer her experience and her skills as a sophrologist, to allow other women to experience this moment well. A superb idea to support women and help them live mindfully.

Click on the title to discover the program.

My postpartum, my body, my diet

In collaboration with Alizée Perrin, sophrologist and psycho-nutritionist, Laetitia has developed a program to help young mothers.

The program supports women on a daily basis to flourish and find life balance and harmony. This program allows young mothers to obtain support and attentive listening in order to live peacefully during this special period.

After childbirth the body changes, the woman's identity can be turned upside down. Reconnecting with your body and your identity are two great objectives of Laetitia and Alizée through this program.

Click on the title to discover the program.

Every month a new quality audio offer

We really liked Laetitia's concept of offering each month a new offer at a low price, only available for 1 month. These are short sophrology audio sessions that you can download and listen to as you want.

C’est une belle proposition qu’elle fait à sa communauté à travers cette offre de qualité et éphémère.

Here are some examples of his latest audio proposals:

We invite you to follow his work, for example via his Instagram account, or by regularly doing a tour on his shop, to be kept up to date with its latest news, month after month. 

If you wish to be accompanied by Laetitia, you will have a certain number of choices: from the “classic” sophrology session, to specialized programs, including audios. Laetitia puts everything in place to be accessible to various profiles, in different ways.

Consider sharing this article or Laetitia’s website si vous pensez que l’un de ces accompagnements pourrait bénéficier à un ou une proche.


Cet article fait partie d’une série de portraits sur des professionnelles de l’accompagnement, rédigés par Maëlle Beaumont et Amandine Kirion. Découvrez notre projet et les autres portraits en lisant notre article « Les perles rares : mise en lumière de professionnelles de l’accompagnement. »

Picture of Maëlle Beaumont

Maëlle Beaumont

Very interested in well-being, personal development and naturopathy, I am an editorial assistant for Amandine Kirion. In 2021, I am focusing on a series of articles on coaches and support professionals that Amandine wants to highlight.

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