Portrait: Caroline Joubert, psychologist for French-speakers in Berlin

Pour poursuivre notre série d’articles sur les Rare Pearls de l’accompagnement, quel plaisir cela a été pour nous d’échanger avec Caroline Joubert, passionate psychologist, interesting and modern in her approach, continually training. Specialized in l’évaluation et l’accompagnement des difficultés cognitives, émotionnelles et comportementales, Caroline exerce à Berlin, dans l’ouverture et la bienveillance. 

His specialty: neuropsychology

She began her professional life supporting elderly people suffering from neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, or people who have been victims of a public road accident.


After several years, she moved into psychological support for children and adults as an independent. 


Today, she focuses more onsupport for adults suffering from Neurodevelopmental Disorders (TND), in particular Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity (ADHD) or people affected by autism. She is also interested in issues related to anxiety, “hypersensitivity”, as well as “High Intellectual Potential” (HPI). Difficulties with concentration, memory, communication/relationships or even emotion regulation are good reasons to consult Caroline.

Caroline Joubert accompanied me in the detection of adult ADHD, then its treatment. She was of immense help to me, particularly thanks to her relevant advice, her great listening skills and a sincere desire to actively participate in my well-being.

A goal for patients: to find balance

Some people consult Caroline Joubert with a specific request and others don't know pas toujours « pourquoi » elles viennent la voir. Elles savent simplement qu’elles sont en souffrance dans leur quotidien, mais n’en connaissent pas always the cause. Caroline from the first meetings will be able to guide each person is starting a diagnostic process if desired by the patient, or by setting up support. She may also be required to redirect the patient.and towards another professional, if the problem does not concern his field of expertise.


Après une phase de diagnostic, la personne peut poursuivre avec une phase d’accompagnement pour find daily balance and live in peace with the diagnosis reçu. Le fait de « savoir » ce qui se passe et la raison pour laquelle il y a ou il y a eu souffrance peut générer plusieurs réactions : acceptation, refus, panique, ou le sentiment d’être perdu.e et de ne pas savoir « quoi en faire ». La phase d’accompagnement psychologique est donc tout autant importante que la phase qui précède.

I am convinced by Caroline Joubert's approach. Whether for help in implementing positive psychologist techniques or for in-depth psychological support, his methods and contact are particularly effective.

An integrative approach for everyone

En introduction, on vous disait que Caroline était passionnée, cela se traduit aussi par une ouverture de ce qu’est la psychologie pour elle, à tou.te.s. C’est-à-dire, putting your well-being in everyone's hands. En cela, elle se rapproche de ma vision personnelle de ce que peut-être le coaching. Elle se distingue aussi d’une vision archaïque ou très clichée, où le.la psychologue serait « en contrôle » tandis que le.la patient.e serait comme « sujet ». Caroline amène son savoir et sa déontologie en respectant profondément la personne qu’elle accompagne. Elle intègre en effet la psychoeducation lors de ses consultations : il est primordial pour elle d’expliquer à son.sa patient.e ses difficultés ou pathologies pour qu’iel puisse les comprendre et mieux vivre avec, voire travailler certains aspects. 


With her advanced approach, specialized in neuropsychology, but global thanks to her intellectual curiosity, she also integrates positive psychology. She has also led positive psychology workshops based on the work of several specialists (Christophe André & al.)

I loved leading these group workshops, because sharing and kindness were always there. I love group dynamics and the rich interactions they generate. During these workshops, each person shares their advice and the cohesion of the group is incredible.

Consider going to see Caroline's website to discover its complete offer and share this article with someone you know if you think it may be useful to them.


Cet article fait partie d’une série de portraits sur des professionnelles de l’accompagnement, rédigés par Maëlle Beaumont et Amandine Kirion. Découvrez notre projet et les autres portraits en lisant notre article « Les perles rares : mise en lumière de professionnelles de l’accompagnement. »

Picture of Amandine Kirion

Amandine Kirion

Independent since 2012, I help companies and individuals in 3 areas: communication, copywriting, and coaching. Currently based in Berlin, I co-founded a meeting group between French-speaking coaches and support staff. I offer my tailor-made services in communication and copywriting for small French companies and start-ups, or international companies wishing to establish themselves in France. For individuals, I offer coaching focused on well-being at work and alignment of personality, professional life and personal life: 1-to-1, with group and face-to-face programs, and independent online programs. .

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